Saturday April 8, 2023 Hike Summary
Saturday April 8th, Steve Melville led 12 hikers into the woods just North of Camp Cadiz. It was a sunny day ,with a couple of new hikers, 1 from Sullivan Illinois. We were “off-trail” over 80% of the time and hiked about 4 miles. We ate lunch and took the group picture at Ripple Canyon falls. The pool of it was clear as a bell. After lunch, we found a “pothole” arch. There was just enough water to make waterfalls flow…and stream crossings fun.
Next week, Sat, April 15th, our hike will be meeting on Cedar Grove Road, (west of Eddyville) to hike to Crow Knob, and several trails around that area, led by Bob Mulcahy. After that, we only have 3 hikes left to do this spring. Until then, “See ya’ll On the Trail”.