The River-to-River Trail Society announces its 3rd public hike of the 2023 fall hiking season on Oct. 14th. Hiking: Happy Hollow Trail, Ferne Clyffe State Park (Johnson County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a hikeRead More
On Saturday September 30th, 7 hikers met Bill Gilmour, the hike leader at the Vienna City park to bike 7 miles up to the North end of the Breeden Trestle on the Tunnel Hill bike trail. 2 other hikers met at Sandborn Junction andRead More
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its 2nd public hike of the 2023 fall hiking season on Oct. 7th. Hiking: Millstone Lake Trail #32 & the R2R Trail (Johnson County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be aRead More
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its 1st public hike of the 2023 fall hiking season on Sept. 30th. This is a bike & hike excursion, biking and hiking Tunnel hill Trail (Johnson County). This bike and hike are free and open toRead More
The River-to River Trail Society announces its schedule of free guided hikes in and about the Shawnee National Forest for Fall, 2023. All hikes are open to the public free of charge. No reservations are required except where noted on schedule. TheseRead More
On Saturday morning May 6th, was our last hike of the Spring 2023 hiking season. Fred Scott was our leader. We met at Taylor Methodist church parking lot on U.S. Rt. 45, North of Vienna, We then moved to the trailhead at theRead More
Saturday morning, April 29th, 17 hikers, with Chris Drone as guide leader, gathered at the old Shawnee mart at Eddyville, Illinois. We had new hikers from Livingston county Illinois, and, from Northwest Tennessee. In fact, we had as many New hikers withRead More
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its 10th public hike of the 2023 spring hiking season on May 6th. Hiking: Max Creek (Johnson County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a 5 mile loop hike. The leaderRead More
Saturday, April 22, was cool, but sunny, with a bit of wind. 11 of us gathered at Fishing Hole lane, Dutchman lake, not far from the boat ramp, North of Vienna, and our co-leaders for the hike were Cathy Jennings & MelanieRead More
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its 9th public hike of the 2023 spring hiking season on April 29th. Hiking: Ruby Falls/Bay Creek (Pope County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a hike of moderate difficulty, 6Read More