R2R Trail Cedar Lake Section has been Rerouted
Hi All:
On Monday July 1, 2024, two Trail Society volunteers hiked the new rerouted section of the River to River Trail west of the Lirley Trailhead and installed the new R2R Trail markers. They also hiked out on the previous trail and removed all trail markers that they could find. This new section of trail was scouted and approved back in 2019 but construction was delayed by the pandemic and funding. Since this new section of trail was also approved for bicycles, the one of the mountain biking folks took the lead in getting the trail constructed this winter and spring.
Please note that this new reroute is 4.3 miles long and climbs slowly and winds along the lake shore and replaces a hilly 2.8 mile section.
Maps 22 and 23 as shown below have been updated in Avenza so if you are hiking or planning to hike the R2R trail, please make sure you update your maps to download these new versions of the maps.