2020 11-08
What a Day to Hike!! Fred Scott & David Cooper led 2 different groups, 2 different ways, with about 19 total hikers, in the Garden of Gods wilderness. There were Literally Hundreds of vehicles in the various parking areas of the mainRead More
2020 11-02
Take a look at the trail story he shared with Society and allowed us to share it here. Congratulations Caleb, we added your name to our Honor Roll.
2020 11-01
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its fifth scheduled hike of the Fall, 2020 hiking season, in Garden of the Gods Wilderness on Saturday, November 7. This hike will be free and open to the public. For public health reasons, and to complyRead More
Morning hike summary by Chris Drone Bill Gilmour led 12 of us on a hike in the Max Creek Vortex area. On Halloween, with a Blue Full Moon…and..we had a Whole Tree fall over less than 50 yards from us after lunch…WeRead More
2020 10-25
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its fourth guided hike of the Fall, 2020 hiking season, on October 31. This will be a Halloween night hike to the mysterious Vortex on Max Creek in Johnson County. The hike is free and open toRead More
Comments from Shawn Gossman Today I led a group hike at LaRue Pine Hills. It was a pre-registration only group through the R2R Society in order to promote public health. We didn’t see any snakes, it’s too cold and migration is probablyRead More
2020 10-18
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its third hike of the Fall, 2020 hiking season, at the Snake Road in Union County, Illinois, on Saturday, October 10. The hike is free and open to the public, but spaces are limited for public health reasons,Read More
Today, Bob Mulcahy led us in Ferne Clyffe State Park. We did about 4 miles, a good amount on the River to River Trail. We had over Half of our participants as “Newbies”…some from Pope county/Metropolis, 1 from as far away asRead More
2020 10-12
Steve Ryder’s hike at Pyramid State Park on Saturday was quite successful. There were fourteen hikers, including Steve. Steve had worked out a very good loop hike, and although there weren’t any bluffs or scenic wonders, it was a nice long walkRead More
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its second hike of the Fall, 2020 hiking season at Ferne Clyffe State Park in Johnson County, on Saturday, October 14. The hike is free and open to the public, but because the size of the groupRead More