
2021 09-25

2021 National Public Lands Day

The Society would like to give a Big Shout Out and Thank You to the 16 folks that showed up this morning and helped us clean up the Garden of the Gods Recreation Area of the Shawnee National Forest. The team pickedRead More

2021 08-24

September 25, 2021 National Public Lands Day

Hi all, we hope everyone has had a safe and enjoyable summer considering everything going on. We in the Trail Society have started planning our fall hiking schedule which will start on October 9, 2021. In an effort to give back toRead More

2021 06-13

Scott Oldham Trail Story

For those that are interested, Scott submitted a short little story of a very different way to through hike the trail. Give it a read.

2021 05-17

Jacinda Shields Trail Story

Jacinda Shields submitted a great story of a unique way to experience the River to River Trail. It is definitely worth a read if you are considering this kind of adventure.

2021 Annual Meeting / Picnic

A) When – 11 am, Sat. June 5th,National Trails Day,  at the North shelter, at Vienna City park.  People Can come Earlier, to socialize/meet & greet.  B) People are “invited”  to bring their own lunch/meals/snacks & drinks, with lawn chairs if theyRead More

ADT Hiker traveling the R2R now

Some of you may have heard about the 6,800 miles American Discovery Trail, discoverytrail.org.  This is a National trail, part city, part small town, part forest, part mountains, part desert, an all-in-one trail.  The ADT stretches from Cape Henlopen State Park, Delaware,Read More

Raymond Bonnell Trail Story

Raymond the “Only Noble Ladderman” submitted a great story about his 2 week trip on the River to River Trail from this past March. Enjoy his story because he put a lot of effort into it and it is very well done. ThanksRead More