The River-to-River Trail Society announces its 2nd public hike of the 2024 spring hiking season on Mar. 9th. Hiking: Garden of the Gods Wilderness Big H and Arch of the Gods (Saline County). This hike is free and open to the public.Read More
On Friday morning February 23, 2024, Trail Society President Bill Gilmour had a 10 minute interview on the WJPF Radio station with host Tom Miller. Link to WJPF post
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its 1st public hike of the 2024 spring hiking season on Mar. 2nd. Hiking: Little Cedar and Crevice Falls (Pope County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a loop hike ofRead More
The River-to River Trail Society announces its schedule of free guided hikes in and about the Shawnee National Forest for Spring, 2024. All hikes are open to the public free of charge. No reservations are required except where noted on schedule. TheseRead More
On Saturday, Dec. 16th, we had our last hike of the Fall 2023 hiking season. 20 hikers met the hike leader, Steve Melville, at Rim Rock parking lot and left out, with the possibility of sprinkles. Steve and 3 others had “spotted’ pickupsRead More
On Saturday, November 25th, 14 hikers gathered at the former Shawnee Mart in Eddyville, Illinois, to be led on a hike by Cathy Jennings. There were 2 new hikers with us….1 all the way from Nashville, TN. (He came to the hikeRead More
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its 10th public hike of the 2023 fall hiking season on Dec. 16th. Hiking: Thacker Hollow/Initial Tree (Hardin County/Gallatin County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a hike of moderate difficulty,Read More
Sunday afternoon, Nov. 12th, 2023, Vicki & Gillum Ferguson led 8 other hikers on a trek into Secret Canyon. 5 of the hikers were new to hiking with the Trail Society. We met at Cedar Grove church on Rt. 145, then proceededRead More
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its 9th public hike of the 2023 fall hiking season on Nov. 25th. Hiking: Jackson Hole/Double Branch Hole (Pope County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a hike of moderate difficulty,Read More
On a very Sunny Saturday Nov. 4th, Melanie Kasson led 11 hikers, including 3 new hikers, one from Cape G, and the other 2 from Carbondale. on a hike in the Kinkaid lake area. The trails were dry as a bone, but,Read More