October 12, 2019 Hike Summary

It was a great day for our second hike.  Temps were a cool in the morning but warmed up nicely.  24 hikers met at Goreville city park and car pooled over to the Panther Den trail head and all hikers completed theRead More

Saturday, October 19, 2019 Hike Announcement

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its third guided hike of the Fall, 2019 hiking season, from East Trigg Trailhead to Jackson Hollow, on Saturday, October 19, 2019. The hike is free and open to the public. This will be a more difficultRead More

Saturday, October 12, 2019 Hike Announcement

On Saturday, October 12, the River-to-River Trail Society will offer its second guided hike of the Fall, 2019 hiking season, at Panther Den Wilderness in Union County. This hike is free and open to the public, but participants will be expected toRead More

Saturday, October 5, 2019 Hike Announcement

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its first guided public hike of the Fall, 2019 hiking season, at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 5, at Jackson Falls. This hike is free and open to the public, although participants will be expected to sign aRead More

Saturday, May 4, 2019 Hike Announcement

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its eighth and final hike of the Spring, 2019 hiking season, on Saturday, May 4. The hike is free and open to the public. This hike will be in the area of the Cache River and LittleRead More

April 28, 2019 Hike Summary written by Chris Drone

19 Hardy Hikers, including leaders Marcus Owens & Steve Mitchell led us into the forest & streams of Lusk Creek Wilderness & Natural Areas yesterday. The weather tried to threaten rain..(it did succeed for a few minutes), but, hikers prevailed. We splitRead More

Saturday, April 27, 2019 Hike Announcement

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its seventh guided hike of the Spring, 2019 hiking season, at Lusk Creek Wilderness in Pope County, on Saturday, April 27. Although this hike is free and open to the public, in order to comply with theRead More