Ok, so, the leader of the hike on Saturday November 2nd was “almost late” getting to the meeting spot on Rocky Comfort road, and, to Top that off, the leader ( and writer of these summaries) is late getting the summary written. Read More
The River to River Trail Society announces its 6th public hike of the 2024 fall hiking season on Nov. 9th. Hiking: Cove Hollow Cedar Lake (Jackson County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a moderate throughRead More
It was a Beautiful day for a hike on Saturday, October 26th. 19 hikers gathered at the Little Grand Canyon trail head parking lot to be led by Cody Evans. This was Codys’ 2nd time for leading a hike and he did a GreatRead More
The River to River Trail Society announces its 5th public hike of the 2024 fall hiking season on Nov. 2nd. Hiking: Panther Den (Johnson County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a medium loop hike approximatelyRead More
Hikers met at the parking lot of the Michael Wolfe memorial wetlands. Melanie Kasson was our leader of 13 hikers for the day. It was sunny, bright, clear blue skies, a perfect day for a nice hike. Several went over to theRead More
The River to River Trail Society announces its 4th public hike of the 2024 fall hiking season on Oct. 26th. Hiking: Little Grand Canyon (Jackson County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a loop hike approximatelyRead More
On Saturday October 12th, 14 hikers met at the New Simpson Hill school on a beautiful morning, full of sun and very favorable hiking temperatures. Bill Gilmour was the leader again today, and after group introductions, we loaded into vehicles and headed SouthRead More
The River to River Trail Society announces its 3rd public hike of the 2024 fall hiking season on Oct. 19th. Hiking: Tupelo Trail (Johnson County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a in and out hikeRead More
For the 1st hike of the Fall 2024 hiking season, we met at the East Trigg trailhead, on Sat. Oct. 5th, 2024. Our leader for the day was Bill Gilmour. It was sunny And quite warm. We had 21 hikers, including 4-5Read More
The River to River Trail Society announces its 2nd public hike of the 2024 fall hiking season on Oct. 12th. Hiking: Max Creek (Johnson County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a loop hike approximately 5.5Read More