On a wonderful sunny Sat. November 6th, Fred Scott led 29 other hikers out of the Upper High Knob parking lot. We had, again, probably 5-7 ‘new’ hikers. A ‘whole truckload’ came from the Metro East area. We initially headed East onRead More
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its fifth guided hike of the Fall, 2021 hiking season, on Saturday, November 6. This hike is free and open to the public. The hike will cover just under six miles on Trails 001,153, 180, 180C, andRead More
This weekend, Bill Gimour led 23 other hikers in the Dutchman lake area. We started out in a drizzle of rain, which finally relented by lunchtime. We passed by the Dutchman lake “hanging boulder” and 3 different waterfalls: Dutchman lake falls, MeditationRead More
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its fourth guided hike of the Fall, 2021 hiking season, on Saturday, October 30, at Dutchman Lake, in Johnson County. This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a hike of between fiveRead More
Saturday October 23, 2021, Chris Drone led 12 hikers on his first hike as leader. The hike was just under 6 miles; started at the Buck Creek trail head and followed the Happy Hollow Trail along Buck Creek to the south endRead More
Sat. Oct. 16th, Bill Gilmour led 18 other hikers into a 6 mile hike East of the Garden of Gods area. We had about 6 new (to the Trail Society) hikers today. We started from the large parking lot just east ofRead More
The River-to-River Trail announces its third scheduled hike of the Fall, 2021 hiking season, on Saturday, October 23, at Ferne Clyffe State Park in Johnson County. The hike is free and open to the public. This will be a hike of justRead More
Shawn Gossman led 21 other hikers into the Jackson Falls area today. It Was Quite warm, with well-above normal temperatures. We had at least 6 new hikers, 2 from the Greater Chicago area, and 2 just a few miles from their home,Read More
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its second guided hike of the 2021 fall hiking season, on Saturday, October 16, at the Twin Towers area of Hardin and Gallatin counties. The hike is free and open to the public. This will be aRead More
The River-to-River Trail Society will hold its first guided hike of the Fall 2021 hiking season at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 9, at Jackson Falls in Pope County. This hike is free and open to the public. Turn south off OzarkRead More