Dutchman Lake R2R Trail Reroute Update

As a final update to the subject reroute, the entire new trail is now completed and blazed. The trail maps 15 & 16 in Avenza have been updated and now are available for downloading to your device. There is still some minorRead More

R2R Trail Cedar Lake Section has been Rerouted

Hi All: On Monday July 1, 2024, two Trail Society volunteers hiked the new rerouted section of the River to River Trail west of the Lirley Trailhead and installed the new R2R Trail markers. They also hiked out on the previous trailRead More

R2R Trail Detour has been Lifted

We have just been notified by the Shawnee National Forest Service that the timber harvest between Bassett Road and Cadiz Road has been completed 100%. As a result, the Forest Service has removed the requirement to detour along Bassett and Karbers RidgeRead More

New R2R Trail Avenza Maps Released

Today, the Trail Society released all new maps for the River to River Trail including the Battery Rock leg. The River to River Trail Bundle and Battery Rock Leg Bundle on the Avenza website have was also updated to include all ofRead More

New 2018 R2R Trail Maps Uploaded

The River to River Trail Society announces that the newly updated 2018 R2R Trail Maps have been uploaded to the Societies website and the Avenza Map Store this past week. The Society would like to thank the Shawnee National Forest Service teamRead More

New Battery Rock Leg Maps Released

Hi All:   Just wanted to let all that are interested in the River to River Trail, I recently received from the Forest Service the updated maps for the historic Battery Rock Leg trail.  These 5 maps take off from map 3,Read More