April 20, 2019 Hike Summary written by Jim Todd
Today’s River 2 River Trail Society hike was at Trail of Years State Forest and also along Snake Road. At Trail of Tears we did the C.C.C. Heritage Trail and the West Loop of the Ozark Ridge Trail for a total of about 3 miles, and about the same distance at Snake Road. Snake Road is a National Forest road along the base of the bluffs that form the Eastern Boundary of the Valley of the Mississippi River. Along the other side of the road is a bunch of ponds and streams. Many reptiles and amphibians summer in the ponds and winter in the bluffs. The Forest Service closes the road for 2 months in the Spring and Fall to vechicular traffic to afford the animals safe passage across the road. Many people come to walk the road and see the animals We had 23 hikers