Saturday May 6, 2023 Hike Summary

On Saturday morning May 6th, was our last hike of the Spring 2023 hiking season. Fred Scott was our leader. We met at Taylor Methodist church parking lot on U.S. Rt. 45, North of Vienna, We then moved to the trailhead at the end of Taylor Ridge rd. Fred led 7 of us out, and our 1st pause was at the Taylor Ridge Overlook. Fred had cautioned us about some of the trail being “wooly’ and other thoughts, so we all ‘sprayed down’ profusely with insect repellant. Green foliage was abundant, which did limit our views somewhat. But, it Was a very pleasant day for hiking. In a crevice, 1 hiker found an orange salamander that was about 3 inches long. We did find a few small waterfalls…that were…..alas…dry. We got to Max creek, crossed it …then recrossed it several times. Bill led us to “Gay Cave”, which had a “fortress’ built in it… Quite substantial. We ate lunch at a ‘horse parking’ area, then went up to the main waterfall, which was dribbling and we took the group picture. On our way out, we did find an old house spot, which was evidenced by a large area of daffodil plants.
We, the Trail Society board, wish to say “Thank You” for choosing to hike with us this spring. We have had hikers from several surrounding states and far points in Illinois.
If you have a suggestion for a hike, or, anything else, please let a board member know. We are already thinking about the Fall 2023 hiking season. We are also always looking for people who might be interested in leading a hike.
I also want to take space to Thank Everyone who helped in some way…from all the hike leaders who planned and pre-scouted their hikes, to people who helped shuttle hikers with their vehicles and anyone I might have missed. Without your help & assistance, it just doesn’t flow smoothly.
Our next ‘event’ will be our annual meeting, which will be held on Saturday, June 3, 2023, at the Vienna, Illiinois city park. We will have a speaker, a short business meeting and then a meal. There Will be an official notice sent out via email through the website. and then posted to our facebook page. We encourage people to bring their bikes for a ride, or walk, on the Tunnel Hill trail afterwards.
Until then, “See Ya’ll on the Trail”. I am looking forward to it.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Drone