Saturday March 4, 2023 Hike Summary

Sorry folks for getting this summary out so late. On a wonderful Saturday, March 4th, Todd Carr led 15 other hikers from the top of High knob on a 4 mile hike around the base of High knob, then outwards toward several scenic spots. We had several new hikers, including 2 dads and their Boy Scout sons, along with several returning regulars. We started out at the very top of the Knob, went down the lane just a few hundred feet and turned to the left, took the stairs and wound our way all around the base of the bluff, then came out on the road, down a few hundred feet more, and took off East on the River to River trail, turned North at the old house, where the daffodils were ‘getting alive” . At a break, Sue Wygant gave us some information on the rock ages (Caseyville sandstone) of the close by bluff wall. Despite the rain of the previous 48 hrs. we were in an area that small stream crossings were quite easy. Along the way, several times, Todd paused and told various stories of Preston Bluff, Robin Grindstaffs’ gristmill, Coulter Spring, L.O. Triggs’ Resthaven home, and “The Short Grave of Grindstaff Hollow”, and also the story of how, despite Mr. Trigg not liking Franklin Roosevelt, our Congressman at the time succeeded, with hundreds of pages of petitions in getting the Shawnee National Forest started. It Was a good day, and I don’t think anyone got yelled at by JoJo at the camp (this time). This weeks hike, will be led by Bill Gilmour, meeting at shelter # 2 at Dixon Springs State Park. Until then….See Ya’ll on the Trail.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Drone