Saturday November 12, 2022 Hike Summary

Saturday November 12th, many of us woke up to Quite a surprise…2-3 inches of wet snow on the ground. Several wondered if we would still conduct the planned hike, which was into a new area, with a new leader, Steve Melville. Our policy is that we don’t cancel hikes until the time of the hike, if very few show up, or, weather conditions are poor and getting worse. To much surprise, 14 hikers arrived at the Rim Rock parking lot for Steve to lead. We had 5 new hikers, so, it was great to welcome them along. We condensed into 4 vehicles and moved down York lane. With the snow, if someone needed to stop, they were able to find the group easily again further down the trail. The 1st rock formation we came to Steve has named “Haystack” rock, as it resembled the old style stack of hay, before bales were used. We crossed several streams today, but, none had any water, due to the ongoing, abnormal dry weather. One crossing would be a great cascade. We then paused for lunch at Sasquatch Cave, a rock outcropping that has 2 shelters at 2 different levels, with the upper shelter being the much larger of the 2. Prior to Sasquatch, we did inspect another rock formation, as of yet unnamed. There were a few ‘slips & slides” but nothing major happened to anyone. We covered about 5 miles, in just about 4 hours. All in all, everyone agreed that it was a Great day, for a new hike & leader.
Our next hike, and Last hike for the Fall 2022 season. will be on Saturday, November 26th, led by Bob Mulcahy, meeting at the parking area at the end of Boat Dock Road, going East off of IL. Rt. 127, South of Murphysboro. Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone, and, untill Nov. 26th, “See Ya on the Trail”.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Drone