October 1, 2022 – Heron Pond Hike Summary

What a Wonderful day to start the Fall hiking season. Today on our 1st hike of the Fall 2022 hiking season, we met at the Heron Pond parking lot. Shawn Gossman led 16 other hikers, including several new hikers and 1 from Indiana, on a 7.5+ mile hike. We went to the board walk in Heron pond, which was completely devoid of water, very unusual, then to the Champion Cherry bark oak tree, then onward. About 1230, we got to the Bost cabin, (which we did not enter to avoid disturbing any bats), and then just after our lunch break, a fast moving train of empty coal cars came thru on the tracks and many either got pictures, or even filmed the train. . Since it is So dry, we saw very little wildlife. Shawn did manage to find 1 skink, and then about a 2 ft. long rat snake in the middle of the trail, which remained quite still, while many took pictures. As we headed back in, we did encounter a few other hikers. The day Was Great.
Nest weeks hike will be led by Sam Morales, we will be meeting at the Knights of the Golden Circle trailhead at 10 am. This trailhead is on the East side of Forest Rd, just North of the main Garden of Gods turnoff. Until then, “See Ya on the Trail.”.

Respectfully submitted,
Chris Drone