March 25, 2022 – 4 Waterfall Hike Summary

We had 23 hikers Saturday in the Packentuck- Camp Ondessonk area, to see 6 waterfalls, Yes!!! That many. They were all flowing. When we started, the wind Was blowing out of the North. But, as the old adage says, and was Proven yet again, once you get moving, and get into the woods, you get warmed up. We had probably 6 or more brand new Trail Society hikers, several from Missouri, 1 from Kentucky.
In Order, we saw “Indian Falls, then the top of the Arch, Little Cedar Falls, the ‘underside’ of the Arch, ate lunch & took the group picture at Crevice Falls, Hidden Falls, Cedar Falls and last, Sycamore Spirit Falls. Bats were found at Cedar Falls(thanks to Melanie Kasson for pointing them out on the pre-hike), and the carving in the rock just before Cedar Falls.
Many Thanks go out to Bill Gilmour for the map he sent me about this area, then to Sam Morales & Melanie Kasson for doing the “Pre-hike” on Sun. March 20th,(and following me until I found the top of the arch), Sam Morales & Fred Scott for being the ‘rear guard” today, and last to Bob Mulcahy, David Hilliard, and Tom Logsdon for having trucks at the gate when we got done, to shuttle everyone back out.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Drone