March 19, 2022 – Pounds Hollow Hiking Summary

Sam Morales led 9 other hikers on a damp cloudy day in the Thacker Holllow & Pounds Hollow lake area. We met at the horse arena adjacent to Double M Campground, and left heading south. There are a Lot of trails that intersect, weave and ‘switchback’ around the area, so, it was a Good thing we had a guide. We had several views of Pounds Hollow lake and took our group picture at the Pounds Hollow Arch. This was Sams’ 1st time leading a hike, and he did an Excellent job. We did not have any ‘new’ hikers this week, although we did have a ‘returning’ new hiker. Next week, there are 2 hikes. Saturday, March 26th, in the Ozark/Camp Ondessonk area, at 10 am, then Sunday, at 2 pm, in the Rock House area of Lusk Creek.
See ya’ll on the trail.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Drone