November 6, 2021 – High Knob Hiking Summary

On a wonderful sunny Sat. November 6th, Fred Scott led 29 other hikers out of the Upper High Knob parking lot. We had, again, probably 5-7 ‘new’ hikers. A ‘whole truckload’ came from the Metro East area. We initially headed East on the River to River Trail and found the old cabin & other structures, and then used several other trails during the day. We crossed several dry stream beds. There were several spots that were difficult to ‘navigate’ due to rains and other challenges. 2 different equine groups were out enjoying the day and trails. 1 hiker did encounter a nest of bees and got stung, but was able to make it to the end of the hike. We returned on the River to River trail, hiking. in total, about 5.6 miles, finishing just about 2 pm. Small amounts of trash were picked up by various hikers. Please remind everyone you see about “Leave no trace”.
Next weeks’ hike (Sat. Nov. 13th, 2021, 10 am) will be in the Cove Hollow area, just North of Trigg Tower, led by Mart Watson.
Specific directions will be posted on the River to River Trail Society facebook page later this week.
No hike on Saturday November 20th, due to Shotgun deer hunting season. The last Fall 2021 hike will be on Sat. November 27th.
Until then, “See ya on the trail”.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Drone