November 27, 2021 – Wildcat Bluff Hiking Summary

What a Grrreat day to finish up the Fall 2021 hiking season. Melanie Kasson was our leader at Wildcat Bluff, southwest of Vienna, IL. She led 23 hikers down the trail towards the Cache river, intending to cross it & head to the Bost cabin and other points of interest….But..there was a “ca(t)che”…the water was too high to cross the river. After a quick conference with her hiking buddies Cathy Jennings & Bob Mulcahy, an alternative plan was “hatched”, we would head back, go out to the overlook to the Southeast, eat lunch there and then drive over to Heron Pond,do the board walk and see the Illinois state champion Cherry Bark Oak tree. 19 total hikers participated in the 2nd part of the day A total of 6 miles was covered in the 2 parts of the day. People today came from Danville, Beecher City & Champaign, Illinois.
We, again, had several people with us, who were not ‘new’ to hiking, but, new to the River to River Trail Society. We had 159 total participants in our hikes this fall. Mr. John O’Dell would be happy & proud.
If you have ideas, suggestions, or questions, or even want to lead a hike, please feel free to contact us through the website, or even my email at We are always looking for new hike leaders.
Until next spring, See Ya on the trail.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Drone