October 23, 2021 – Ferne Clyffe Happy Hollow Hiking Summary

Saturday October 23, 2021, Chris Drone led 12 hikers on his first hike as leader. The hike was just under 6 miles; started at the Buck Creek trail head and followed the Happy Hollow Trail along Buck Creek to the south end of the State Park property and then climbed high on the hill and proceeded back to the same point. Chris led the hikers off trail about 100 yards to the Happy Arch and the Double Arch on the way out. A light rain started about a mile into the hike and all hikers agreed to continue the hike when Chris asked everyone. Shortly after climbing the big hill we arrived at the main Happy Hollow arch were the group stopped under the arch for lunch and a group photo. After lunch the light rain let up for a while and Chris led the group up to the Alligator Rock overlook. After leaving the overlook, the group continued back to the first trail intersection where we started and 2 hikers elected to leave the hike after going about 4.75 miles. Chris then led the remaining 10 hikers up to the back door into Hawks Cave and then through the cave on the state park trail down to the road and followed the road back to the cars. This added an extra 1.25 miles for those that chose to go. All of the hikers were regulars except one hiker that traveled the farthest coming all the way from Monticello, IL which is 3 hours north near Champaign. Great hike and thanks for leading Chris Drone.
See everyone on the trail Next Saturday, at Dutchman Lake, 10 am. William (Bill) Gilmour