33 people gathered on Sat. June 2nd, 2018 at the Harrisburg, IL. city park for the River to River Trail Societys’ Annual Meeting/National Trails Day picnic. A short business meeting was conducted, with Election of Officers for 2018-19 1st on the agenda, as follows: Eric Johnson, Pres. Bill Gilmour Vice Pres., Gillum Ferguson, Sec. & Mart Watson, Treasurer. The Board consists of the following: Bob Mulcahy, Brian DeNeal, Eric Johnson, Fred Scott, Vicki Ferguson, Todd Carr and Chris Drone. Mr. Watson & Mr. Ferguson noted that all work has been completed to re-register the Trail Society as a non-profit status group/corporation with the State of Illinois. Mr. Watson also provided a financial update. Mr. Bill Gilmour updated the group on various work projects over the last year that have taken place-the erection of 8 informational signs at various points along the River to River Trail and future projects-trail work, etc. And of course, the New River to River Trail. net website, and, Urged Everyone to A) sign up at the website If they have not already done so, and to B) Urge their friend & fellow hikers to sign up at the website as the Best overall, longterm source of information. Mr. Johnson also recognized the various hike leaders over the last 2 hiking seasons. The official part of the meeting then segued into our Guest speaker Mr. Steve Gariepy from Touch of Nature in the Carbondale area. Steve gave an Interesting, Informative, Passionate presentation about “What he does, and ‘Why” he does it…..”We need More, Younger people, Informed & Interested about Sou. IL. the River to River Trail, and its Environment” (disclaimer here: writer is a biology/earth-space science certified teacher). Meeting then adjourned to (too) much Delicious food, including grilled brats and many dishes contributed by Trail Society members & guests. See Ya’ll on the Trail Soon!!!
Springhouse Update from Brian DeNeal
The River-to-River Trail Society celebrated National Trails Day Saturday, June 2 with its annual meeting and bratwurst feast at Harrisburg Township Park. About 33 society members heard an update on new markers and informational signs on the 160-mile Ohio to Mississippi river trail. Maps of the trail are available for printing at the society’s Web site www.rivertorivertrail.net Maps are also available for free download to mobile devices through the Avenza app. Steve Gariepy of Touch of Nature spoke to the group on his passion for not only connecting youth to the trail, but training them as interpreters of the history and natural world around it. Gariepy also entertained the group with a couple of campfire ukulele songs. The park ducks seemed to enjoy the diversion the group offered them.